24th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-24)
22nd US Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (OMVPE-22)
to be held in
Stevenson, Washington, USA
July 13-18, 2025
Conference Home Travel & Accommodations Submit an Abstract Registration
Conference Organizers Awards AACG Homepage
Early-Bird Registration starts February 1, 2025, and ends May 16, 2025.
Regular and Post Doc Registration include a digital copy of the conference proceedings and a ticket to the banquet.
Regular, Post Doc, Grad Student, Retiree, One-Day, and Accompanying Person Registration include daily continental breakfast, coffee breaks, and receptions.
Retiree, Grad Student, One-Day, and Accompanying Person tickets do not includ95e a digital copy of the conference proceedings or a banquet ticket.
Banquet tickets will be available to purchase.
Staying at the Conference Hotel? Receive a $300 registration discount.
Attendees who stay at the conference hotel will receive a $300 discount. Please use the coupon code HOTELDISCOUNT at checkout and then email a PDF receipt to aacg@comcast.net or submit it below. If we do not receive confirmation within three days, your registration will be cancelled.
Early Bird Rates before & after $300 conference hotel discount
Early-Bird Regular Registration .... $1400 USD ($1100 USD after $300 discount)
Early-Bird Post-Doc Registration .... $1250 USD ($950 USD after $300 discount)
Early-Bird Grad Student Registration .... $1050 USD ($750 USD after $300 discount)
Early-Bird Retiree Registration .... $900 USD ($600 USD after $300 discount)
Early-Bird One-Day Registration .... $750 USD ($450 USD after $300 discount)
Early-Bird Accompanying Person Registration .... $750 USD ($450 USD after $300 discount)